Wednesday, 16 September 2009

A Month!

About a month since I last posted!

I guess I should have a lot to report, but it has all been a little black, oh nothing serious just feeling sorry for myself, and apart from work and food shopping I haven't done a lot.

A huge amount of rain yesterday, I read somewhere that the UK has a mini monsoon season. and after the rain yesterday I am starting to believe it may be true.

I always turn my electric cooker off once I have finished cooking, so a while ago I turned it back on to bake some chicken and put my electric steamer on one of the back rings ready for my veg. However it turned out that I had left the ring on when I turned the power off so I ended up with an half melted steamer!

However that did allow me to buy a new electric steamer, three separate steaming compartments, and it times it so that all of them finish at the same time, it is well cool :-)

Sadly the weight isn't coming off very quickly, however I think it is starting to go, although to be fair it will take a while.

1 comment:

  1. Buck up govnah! Hang in there baybee. It's a hard road but I have faith.

    Steaming, boiling, and allowing for a treat.

    You'll get 'er done, as they say here across the pond.
