Saturday, 15 August 2009

Busy busy Bunny

Been very busy with work, but I am really demotivated at the moment, and there are more redundancies coming :-(

Last Saturday popped to France for the day, it was nice to get away, although the restaurant that we normally go to has decreased in quality although my crab, winkles and whelks were very good. Also the supermarket that we normally go to has changed owners and doesn't have the selection that it did. The patisserie is still fantastic (raspberry religieuse yum), and there is something so refreshing about being somewhere different.

Talking of which working in Rotterdamn on Monday and Tuesday :-) really looking forward to looking round the city again.


  1. Ah, memories... I remember popping off to France for the day back in my time when I was an exchange student in London. It's great to be able to hop the channel at any time, isn't it?

    Patisseries... I just had lunch at an authentic French patisserie a couple days ago - a sandwich on an artisan bread. You just don't see artisan breads anymore as these days it's all about quantity over quality.

    Enjoy France and Rotterdam - the last time I was in Rotterdam, I was 10 years old so I only have the vaguest memories of being there.

  2. Hey Starshine! Just dropping in to catch up with you. How fortunate you are to be able to travel this summer! Have fun in Rotterdam! Scarlett ;-)
