Sunday, 29 March 2009

Small things

Why is is that almost everyone in the country would be happy to allow any Gurkha to live here yet the government thinks that people who have given at least 15 years of their life for the country should be sent home as soon at their tour is over?

2 3/4 years ago I was outsourced, the rules over here are that a number of things go with you when you transfer companies, including redundancy payments, this expires after 3 years. Guess when the company I work for now is starting to lay people off? I appreciate that companies may need to make people redundant these days, but to make people redundant one day after 3 years is over seems like a mean thing to do (particularly after the deals non transferred people have had).

Clocks changed last night, I am going to amble round confused for a while now.

I have an headache, it feels like a coffee headache, but I haven't drunk coffee for months.

I was supposed to be going to a meeting in Germany next week, however we were able to sort everything by telephone, sort of a shame since I like Germany, however since it was going to be a first flight in, last flight out thing overall I am a little relieved. The thing is when I heard about the meeting I checked for my passport (which is always in the same place) and couldn't find it. which reminded me that I was also unable to find it the last time I wanted to go to France.

Anyway my flat is in a bit of a state after my searches, however I finally found it somewhere that I would swear I had checked at least twice before.

Final thing...

I remember the first time I went to the USA it was in October, and some of the TV stations were showing horror films at all hours of the day I seem to remember that they showed Halloween at about mid-day, but when we were watching the Shining at about midnight in a scene where there was a painting of a topless lady her baps had been pixellated out.

The reason that this comes to mind is that an American TV station called PBS was showing King Lear recently, they were more than happy to show Gloucester having his eyes gouged out but drew the line at showing an old man with his trousers down.

In the UK this makes no sense, either cut both parts, or if only cutting one cut the violence. I think it is another one of those "but it seems so similar" things.

1 comment:

  1. Well it's about time you updated.

    The time thing change is a pain, isn't it. I wish they'd just leave things as they are right now. I'm always out of sorts for a week afterwards.

    Yes, I can truly say we Americans have a thing about nekkid body parts but were perfectly ok with getting those nekkid body parts hacked, sawed, gouged, squished and axed.
