Sunday, 18 January 2009


I was listening to the only movie reviews worth paying attention to : when I suddenly realised that I haven't actually been to the cinema since Star Wars episode 1. Whilst I know that it wasn't a great film it seems unfair solely to blame that.

I watch films on DVD (occasionally via various other mediums) and have them stacked up a bit, however for some reason I find the idea of paying not far off the cost of a DVD (When one includes parking) puts me off going to the cinema.

Life meanwhile is quiet, I am still struggling with my new role, however I did manage to sort out a couple of things last week so am starting to feel more confident.

1 comment:

  1. *gasp You have to pay for parking at the cinema?! The horror!

    I love the cinema. The darkness, uncomfortable chairs, the sticky floors, stale popcorn with raisinettes and blue raspberry slushies makes a movie. :) Plus if the movie is really horrible the manager will let me scoot over to another.
